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Europe: £24 + £5.25 P&P


Rest of the World: £24 + £10.00 P&P






Payment by cheque (UK only, with free P&P):-

Make your cheque for £24 payable to ‘Liverpool History Society’ and send to:-
LHS Administration Secretary, 32 Rugby Drive, Aintree, Liverpool L10 8JU


Discounts will be available for members of the Liverpool History Society and members of related UK historical societies and architectural bodies.

Members of the LHS only should e-mail to request details.

Members of all other societies and bodies should contact their own organisations for details.

The book will also be available from a growing number of Merseyside outlets including Editions at 16 Cook Street and National Museums Merseyside. It will not be available through internet distributors such as Amazon despite being advertised there.

‘I have had a totally engrossing read of this book… I take my hat off to you for the quality of production and design… You have certainly notched up the quality of local history research significantly.’  Timothy Stevens, Assistant Director (Collections) at the Victoria and Albert Museum, and a previous Director of the Walker Art Gallery.

‘I have just finished your outstanding book… It was absolutely fascinating in its clarity and execution.’  Ken Rogers, Managing Director, Trinity Mirror, and author of  The Lost Tribe of Everton and Scottie Road.

‘I think it is a fabulous publication.’  Karen O’Rourke, Curator of Social History, National Museums Liverpool.


2 Responses

  1. Brian Parker says:

    Hi, I am a member of the LHS and would like to know how much the books is?

    Kind Regards,


    1. Graham Jones says:

      Hi Brian. Thank you for your interest. ‘Footsteps’ is half price (£12) to members if it can be collected at a Sunday meeting. If sent within the UK by Royal Mail there is an additional £3.50 P&P. To take advantage of the postal offer UK members should send their cheque to LHS Administration Secretary, 32 Rugby Drive, Aintree, Liverpool L10 8JU. Fred will know who are members from our membership list. I hope you enjoy the book. With best wishes, Graham