Local history societies have existed in many of the towns and villages of Lancashire and Cheshire for many years, but until the year 2000 there was no society that was committed to the study of the history of the City of Liverpool.
When a meeting was held in Liverpool Central Library in November 2000 to assess the potential support for such a society, well over 60 people attended, and much positive interest was shown. An ad hoc committee was therefore set up to explore this proposal further, produce a draft constitution and report back.
On 18th February 2001, a further meeting took the formal decision to establish a society committed to the appreciation and study of the history of the city which would complement, rather than compete with, the work of existing societies, the most ancient being the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire founded in 1858. With the draft constitution duly adopted, and 38 founder members enrolled, the new LIVERPOOL HISTORY SOCIETY was born.
Since then, the Society has grown to a membership of around 300, and has been granted Registered Charity status. It holds a Friday lunch time meeting at the prestigious Athenaeum during February to May and September to December. Occasional visits and events may also take place during the Summer. It publishes an annual Journal with articles contributed by both Society and non-Society members. It’s latest book concerns the work and life history of the 19th century Liverpool architect, Peter Ellis. See elsewhere on the site for details of these meetings and publications.