Memories of War

In 2005, to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Liverpool History Society produced a booklet entitled World War Two Memories: recollections by members and their relatives. Long since out of print, stories gathered on that occasion are now available to read on the society’s website.

Our hope is that this collection of ‘War Memories’ will be added to by newer members, by those who meant to contribute in 2005 but somehow never got round to it, and by those who were born after 1945 but who have family stories that they would like to see recorded.

Over the next five years, there will rarely be a month that passes that does not mark the anniversary of a terrible milestone of the First World War.

We hope that during the coming years, members of the Liverpool History Society will also take the opportunity to record their personal ‘memories’ of the First World War.

Although it is unlikely that many of us will have first hand recollections of World War One, all of our families lived through this momentous period of world history; most of us will have known relatives, friends and colleagues who served; and some of us will have an uncle or grandfather who perished in this first global conflict of the twentieth century.

To record their stories is surely the most appropriate act of remembrance that any history society can make.