Our First Live Talk Since March 2020!

Members will be pleased to learn that our very first live talk since March last year will be held on 8 October. This will be immediately preceded by our postponed AGM.

Our first meeting of the new programme will now be held at 11.30 – 13.00 Friday 8th October, at our new meeting venue, The Athenaeum Club. 

Our speaker is the Rev Canon Dr Crispin Palin, Rector of St Nicholas Church and his subject is “Liverpool: a study in theocracy” 

The premise of this talk will be that the Church in Liverpool was more important than the Council between the Reformation and 1842.

Members are also advised that an online booking system has been introduced to guarantee attendance. This is accessed via the members’ area of the website.

Our full talks programme for 2021-2022 can now be seen here.