Members will be very reassured to discover that we have a new Editor to replace the very reliable Ron Jones. Iain Jackson is Professor of Architecture and Research Director at the Liverpool School of Architecture, University of Liverpool. A trained architect, Iain previously worked in private practice, mainly on educational and school projects. He co-authored a book on the works of the distinguished Liverpool architect Herbert J. Rowse, which was the subject of our February 2020 presentation. Iain won the DAM Architectural Book Award for ‘The Architecture School Survival Guide’ in 2015. He is particularly keen to point out that aspiring Journal contributors are encouraged to contact him at to submit articles for the 2022 Journal. The deadline for these is 14 January 2022, but the earlier these are submitted the better, to increase your chance of inclusion. A much more detailed guidance for authors can be found at the top of the Journals page on this website.
Iain will be very ably supported in the completion of next year’s Journal by Helen Stephens, our Website Administrator. Helen will manage the Journal’s post-editing graphic design, to ensure the articles are suitably collated, integrated and presented in a finished condition, to go to the printer. Both Iain and Helen will coordinate the process over the next five months.
I am sure you will want to wish both of them well in their creative endeavours.