John Tiernan

It is with great sadness that we must inform you that John Tiernan has passed away. A staunch and proud champion of the Liverpool History Society, John was a founder member at its inauguration in 2001. He later served on its management committee and was an active Chairman for many years. Together with his wife Diane, John attended the vast majority of our meetings and was a congenial and easy going colleague. He contributed several articles to the Journal and never lost his enthusiasm for research that revealed new insights into Liverpool’s past.

John was admitted to the Royal Hospital in December, after a fall which resulted in a fractured foot and was later transferred for specialist treatment to Aintree Hospital. As this stay became more protracted, John developed serious stomach problems, low blood pressure and was unable to eat. After spending twelve weeks in hospital, John sadly died from heart failure on 7th March. 

The funeral will take place next Tuesday 11th April, at 2 pm at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Woolton Village. This will be followed by a brief cremation service at Springwood Crematorium at 3 pm. Diane is keen to make his friends and colleagues aware of this and that all are most welcome to attend. Will you please pass on this information to anyone who we may miss in this message.

John will certainly be missed by all who knew him.