Dr Nigel Hall

This week we have added the video of our April talk, ‘Cotton and the Confederacy’ to our Video page.

We paused the release of it for some time as not long after his talk we heard  the sad news that Dr Nigel Hall had passed away on 3rd May.  He died at his home in Hoylake and his funeral took place at St Hildeburgh’s church on 30th May. Nigel was Churchwarden at St Hildeburgh’s and will be very missed as he did so much for the church. He was born in Hoylake in 1969 and attended Caldy Grammar School.

Dr. Hall has delivered talks to LHS members on previous occasions and his popularity, remarkable intelligence and stimulating delivery of a subject on which he was expert has always generated some of our best attendances.

Nigel was an alumni of Mansfield College, University of Oxford and we cannot do better than refer LHS members to some of the tributes paid to him on this site to discover what a warm personality he was and how diverse his many talents and interests were.

Obituaries – Mansfield College (ox.ac.uk)

As one of the tributes say ‘The world is a little sadder, a little less boisterous, a little less profound’. We will certainly miss him at Liverpool History Society.